What is Institutional Abuse?
Institutional abuse is the mistreatment of people brought about by poor care or neglect. Oftentimes, institutional abuse involves sexual or physical abuse of children. These situations are among the most serious because child victims are so vulnerable.
Individuals from historically disadvantaged groups, or those with mental or physical impairments are the most likely to suffer institutional abuse. The abuse may occur within residential schools, foster homes, group homes, pre-adoptive homes, or even hospitals.
Sexual or Physical Abuse
The sexual or physical abuse is usually caused by an employee of the institution. If not stopped or addressed, this employee may continue to abuse other individuals at the same institution or move to another institution to continue their behaviour. This is why it is important to report suspected cases of institutional abuse to a lawyer with experience in handling these types of claims.
Abuse of Children
The institutional abuse of children is particularly damaging as children are still in development. The sexual abuse of children causes irreparable harm to the child’s mental well-being and identity. Children who are sexually abused are more likely to suffer from suicidal ideation, substance abuse issues, eating disorders, low self-esteem, self-blame, lack of trust in others, sexual dysfunction, chronic post-traumatic state, in addition to many other mental health issues.
How to Take Action
If you or someone you know may have suffered institutional abuse please contact us as soon as possible. We are available toll free 1-877-266-6646. Please keep in mind that the sexual abuse of children is underreported and a child may go many years or even decades before any mention of the historic abuse is made. Regardless of the time frame involved, we are available to help.